About Us


Червень 2021


Жовтень 2021

HeatСeram Smart Controller реліз

Листопад 2021

Перші продажі (200 шт.)

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Грудень 2021 / Березень 2022

Фідбек ринку / Тестування Heat Ceram v 2

Лютий 2022

500 шт. продано

Жовтень 2021 / Квітень 2022

Creative SPARK Акселераційна програма

Червень 2022

HС Smart Controller v. 2

Протягом 2022

Продано 3000шт.

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Січень 2023

Отримали грант “Власна справа”

Травень 2023

Розробка апаратної і програмної частина для likelock

Червень 2023

Розробка нової генерації терморегуляторів Panel з сучасними OLED-дисплеями

Вересень 2023 / Жовтень 2023

Стандартизація всіх виробів під один типорозмір

Жовтень 2023

Mодернізація ui термостатів

Протягом 2023

Продано 8000шт.

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Our company provides a full production cycle, we specialize in the production, development, programming and sale of thermostats for home or industrial use. Our mission is to create innovative and effective solutions that will help you ensure comfort in your home, while using environmentally friendly heating sources. The products of our production combine advanced technologies and the highest quality standards, guaranteeing reliable and efficient work.

our developments

Our products have passed Ukrainian and European certification as part of the product, which indicates its reliability and electrical safety  

Digital thermostats have high reliability and multi-level protection against overvoltage, which allows you to provide a warranty for the device for up to 5 years. 

We use only certified components of our devices, so our thermostat can work in the voltage range from 110 to 250V, which is typical for Ukrainian networks. And the devices of our competitors could not cope, even with a difference of 10 V, while our thermostats work from any type of generators. 

HeatCeram allows you to save more than 25% of heating costs when using our smart heating schedules. 

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active users
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saves our client in 1 season
> 0 $+
CO2 emissions saved (kg/year)
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Our partners

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